Our people make the difference. By looking critically at ourselves and being aware of the negative impact of our work on the earth, we are already taking the first step. In everything, our starting point is: can we do better? Then we'll try. Are there affordable and responsible alternatives? Then we'll do that. We try to steer towards sustainable employability by offering our people an inspiring and pleasant working environment every day.

  • Our people have access to OpenUp, a mental help platform with tips and tricks about your health and vitality.

  • We have set up healthy workplaces with adjustable desk chairs, sit-stand desks and desk bikes. This way, we motivate each other to stand at our desks a few times a day or hold competitions on the desk bike.

  • For daily vitamins, fresh fruit is offered weekly, and we enjoy a communal lunch every day.

  • We enable all our employees to go through education and training programs, so that personal development is always on the move.

  • A good work-life balance is essential. We offer the possibility of working from home and daily hours are also - if possible - flexible.

  • In addition to a good remuneration, pension and disability plan, employees share in the success of our brand.

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